500000 eyes restored so far

and counting…

The global burden of reversible vision impairment is debilitating

But 80% of blind eyes CAN have vision restored!

SEE AGAIN INTERNATIONAL aims to restore sight to as many disadvantaged people as possible, enabling them to function independently and contribute to their communities.


The numbers of needy eyesight restoration candidates can seem overwhelming, but when enough determined, skilled, and motivated workers address blindness, the crisis is manageable.


The cost seems daunting, but donors are generous and have touched many lives!


On a local scale, sight-restoration is surprisingly affordable. Globally, can we afford not to restore eyesight? Let’s consider that a relatively small sum of capital can restore a person’s vision, their independence, and their lifetime of usefulness to their community! The gratitude of all concerned to donors is immeasurable!


cataracts globally
and rising




% of vision loss is
treatable with
suitable resources

provides those

We restore eyesight for underprivileged people

We train and support local ophthalmologists

We train auxiliary staff

We raise funds to support services and work


Myanmar is our flagship project – over 250 000 eyes there restored to seeing by 2020.

Southern Africa

Between 1982 – 1984 Geoff developed his first project.


Commencing in 1988 Geoff established eye care services in Indonesia.

Papua New Guinea

In 1993 the PNG invited Geoff to develop a strategy for eye care.


In 1998 HelpAge International invited Geoff to teach surgery in Cambodia.


From 1978 Geoff trained in eyesight restoration.

SAI incorporates: Myanmar Eye Care Projeect
Andhra Pradesh Eye Care Project
Cambodia Eye Care Project
CECP supports Battambang Opthalmic Care
Australia-Ethiopia Eye Care Project(AECP)
SAI is associated with John Fawcette Foundation/ Yayasan Kemanusiann Indonesia